Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Join The Wolf-love Club!

Wolf-love Club:
To join the Wolf-love Club with many others, post the number of the question, then the letter for your answer. Thank you!
(If you do not answer a question the admins will asume otherwise and make an answer for you)

1. what pack would you like to be in?
a) Shadowpack-pack of darkness
b) Shinepack- pack of light
c) Singepack- pack of fire
d) Seapack- pack of water

2. how old are you (ranking purposes)
a) 10 or younger
b) 10-13
c) 14-25
d) 26 or older

3. gender
a) female
b) male

4. favorite color? (up to five answers, thank you!)
a) red
b) pink
c) red / orange
d) orange
e) yellow / orange
f) light yellow
g) yellow
h) yellow / green
i) green
j) dark green
k) green / blue
l) light blue
m) blue
n) dark blue
o) violet
p) purple
q) light purple
r) white
s) light brown
t) brown
u) black
v) gray

5. favorite season
a) Summer
b) Spring
c) Winter
d) Fall

6. would you allow your wolf to have pups?
a) yes
b) no

7. would you let your wolf train pups?
a) yes
b) no

8. interests / favorites
((write your interests / favorites here))

9. personality
((write your personality here))